Demystifying Business Financials and Structure

Free Webinar
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Are you ready to take control of your business’s financial health and structure?

Join us for our free, information-packed webinar.

This is a unique opportunity to help you focus on working ON your business instead of just in it.

Limited to 40 participants!

July 11th, 2024 @ 11 AM

Webinar Begins In:








Michelle Kooi, CPCC/ACC, CPA

Intuitive Business Coach

About the Speaker

Michelle Kooi is a CPA and professional coach, writer and speaker, who left traditional public accounting and tax work after 19 years to become CEO of her own company helping small businesses and their owners thrive instead of just survive.  Michelle coaches new small business owners in being strategic to guide them, building structure to support them, and being intentional to focus them so they can work less and make more.  Your business shouldn’t feel like another job; it can be rewarding, financially and personally, AND provide a work life balance.

Michelle wants business owners to feel empowered instead of overwhelmed, recognize where they should focus their energy and where they should get help, and grow sustainably without burnout.  Manage your time, energy, money and business more authentically, effectively and intentionally and live and work with more joy, less stress, and more abundance.  When she’s not helping others, you can find her on a trail in the woods, in the kitchen, lost in a book, or on her yoga mat.

To find out more, book a free consult with Michelle for a 45-minute Aligned Business Discovery call here:

Webinar Highlights

📊 Entity Structure: LLC vs S-Corp vs Partnership vs C Corp

  • Benefits and Pitfalls
  • Key Differences.
  • Tax Implications

LLC vs S-Corp vs Partnership vs C Corp.  We will address the benefits, pitfalls, and differences and why you might choose one over the other.  We will also cover how taxes work with each type.

📈Business Financials

  • Importance of Accurate Bookkeeping
  • Understanding Financial Statement (Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet)
  • Key Metrics to Grow Your Business

Keeping your bookkeeping current and accurate is important, but that’s not where it ends, though that’s where many business owners stop (if they even get there).  Most likely you didn’t major in finance or accounting, and may not know what you are looking at when you look at your financial statements.   It’s nothing to be ashamed of but it’s easy to be intimidated by.  We will look at a sample profit and loss statement and balance sheet, as well as some metrics.  What does it all mean?  Why would I want to learn?  How can I use it to help me and grow my business and fix problem areas?  Am I leaving money on the table, or slowing my own growth by understanding what I am looking at (or just not looking at it?)